Review Policy/Disclaimer

Thank you for checking out my website! Even bigger thank you to even be considering my little ole self to review something I'm sure you've slaved, cried and pulled out hair over. I'm touched and honored. I do, however, have a few guidelines to make sure we're all on the same page. Kapeesh?

  • At the moment, I will consider self-published novels. This may change in the future. We shall see.
  • I read mostly YA. I will consider adult novels if they seem like something I'd be interested in.
  • I won't accept books just for the heck of it. I will only accept ones that I'm genuinely interested in. Save us both the time and trouble, eh?
  • If your book is a part of a series, please let me know beforehand so I can read the previous books. Or you can provide the subsequent novels in the series.
  • Genres I like: contemporary, fantasy, dystopian, sci-fi, historical fiction, chick lit, new adult, some middle-grade, mystery and thrillers.
  • Genres I don't like so much: memoirs, biographies, military fiction, erotica.
  • I'll be more than happy to accept e-books or hard copy (preferred) books.
  • I will try my hardest to read books sent to me as soon as possible, with reviews following no later than a week after completion.
  • Reviews will be posted on my website and Good Reads. I will also post on websites such as Amazon. Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million, etc. if requested.
  • Links to my reviews will also be shared on my Twitter page, where I currently have 200 followers. 
  • I promise my review will be 100% my own honest opinion. NO BS. If interested,  I would love to host giveaways, do author interviews and even do blog tours.
  • I will never accept payments in exchange for a review.

After all of this jabber, if you're still interested in having me review your book or any item, please shoot me an email at You can also contact me on Twitter: @__brittbryan.

Credit Rosemary Travale for my awesome Tardis background that I found on Google.

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